Amazing Creatures: Amazing Bird Sounds From The Lyrebird

David Attenborough presents the amazing lyre bird, which mimics the calls of other birds - and chainsaws and camera shutters - in this video clip from The Life of Birds. This clever creature is one of the most impressive and funny in nature, with unbelievable sounds to match the beautiful pictures. From the BBC.

More amazing lyrebird sounds:

Uploaded by RZSSA on Aug 3, 2009
This is Chook, our male Superb Lyrebird at Adelaide Zoo. We've had a lot of construction going on lately and Chook has picked up many of the sounds.
You can find out more information on Chook and download free Chook ringtones here: .

We think we can hear the following sounds:
1. Hammer
2. Chainsaw
3. Jack hammer
4. Lawn mower hitting sticks
5. Leaf blower starting
6. Power drill
7. Wood saw
8. Human voices
9. Two-way radio
10.Worker whistling
He makes lots of different bird calls as well. What can you hear?


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