Don't be deceived by the blobsquatch, they are everywhere.
Uploaded by bamabuckster1
There seems to be a new fad in the Youtube community where Sasquatch research is concerned.It's the one's posting video's for pure entertainment and for the purpose of misleading the public.Some call it fun and look at it as a game,while others take it very seriously.All this fussing and fighting has been magnified by the BlobSquatch researcher.They take others video's and pull out something thats not even there.I have more respect for the Subject than to discredit the research they are doing.Don't support the BlobSquatch or his researchers,for what they do is disrespectfull to the Subject.
The term "blobsquatch" refers to any vaguely bigfoot-shaped mass seen (or not) in an otherwise unremarkable photograph of trees. This also means "blurry indistinct objects in photos that could either be a real, live Bigfoot or, well, a branch, a shadow, a rock, a tree stump, a smudge on the lens, etc."
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