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Livestreaming Over: Conference of "Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot" Yet
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Conference Notes / Media Alert:
June 14, 2011
Contact Allen Thomas
559-287-8367 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 559-287-8367 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
*********** MEDIA ADVISORY**********
Potentially the Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot Since the Patterson Film of 1967
We have an full upper body impression including half of its face on the passenger side window of a pickup truck
And on the drivers side window, the Nostrils, Nose and Lips of a Bigfoot
Who: World Media – Please RSVP to
We will contact you to confirm your attendance
What: No, it’s not a Bigfoot in a Freezer and we are not affiliated with those guys in any way. This evidence was captured during an expedition in the High Sierra’s of California during the Memorial Day weekend of 2011. There were a total of 5 people in attendance who made the discovery. Three of those people are………….
1. Is an award winning High School Principal with a Masters Degree, Formerly a Science Teacher and a former investigator for
2. Correctional Officer for 19 years and is Employed at a prison in California. Was featured on a Episode of Monster Quest titled” the Sierra Sasquatch”.
3. Is a Employe at AT&T Telephone. Associates Degree in Electronics. Founder of the
Also, a 14 year Forensic Specialist who is friends with 2 of the people mentioned above was called out to come and take photos and swab for or DNA……
This location where the evidence was captured is known for heavy Bigfoot activity and nd has been regularly visited by the investigators mentioned above.
When: June 23, 2011 at 4:00 pm
Where: Piccadilly Inn, Banquet Hall 5115 E. McKinley Ave, Fresno, Calif.
Jeffrey Gonzalez Founder 559-287-UFOS(8367) Live Internet/Radio show with live video feed at
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