This video is brought to you by the same guy who brought you the Bigfoot Blitz video. He thinks it's a possible sasquatch, but we say it's probably a blobsquatch.
Uploaded by njibi on Jun 16, 2011
One day I was screwing around with Bing's aerial "Bird's Eye" view and happened to notice this humanoid-shaped figure. It appears to be climbing a hill. The shape is very dark and doesn't seem to be a shadow.
When the view is rotated, it disappears completely and now that the images have been updated it's no longer there. You can still find it even though the images are new, you just have to play around with it. You can also see another figure when it is rotated facing East.
All of these images were clearly taken at different times of the year and the figure may be a shadow, but there are no other shadoows anywhere else nearly as dark and it is a winter shot which means there are no leaves that could explain it. Does anyone know if it's possible to get higher quality images of Bing's photos?
A higher resolution image would likely show enough detail to confirm or debunk. I've searched the area after finding this and found only a few things that looked close to this but they were shadows from small pine trees which aren't here.
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