FindBigfoot Facebook Page:
This is our rebuttal to Matt Moneymaker's claim that the Crimean footage is fake. The core of the problem is the MM wants HIS footage to be the definite on the subject. So he has motivation to discredit real video. Another question is why the BFRO does not have more video.
See what this is all about if you haven't been following the fight:
Round 2, the fight continues: Battle still rages on over the Ukrainian Bigfoot's authencity.
FindBigfoot won't let up, and Matt Moneymaker hasn't really return any punches yet. Matt's gotta come out of this with a K.O. if he wants to save face. Grab some more popcorn and watch the fight everybody, because somebody is going to go down!
And yes, we have some fighting words for you if you're into mud slinging.
Matt teaches our kids Fuzzy Math, 2+2=5
We kick ass, scientifically speaking...
"It's Not [Me], It's [You]."
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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