offering 2 million dollar reward for proof of Bigfoot is now offering a 2 million dollar reward for absolute proof that Bigfoot exists. Proof of the species will allow them to complete the species protection legislation which they began to implement in 2006.

Read below or visit their website at for more information:
July 2011

Since went public and gained significant public recognition in 2006 with the release of video 2 we have always maintained the position of “Don’t take our word for it, come out and we will show you the reality of this species for yourself” Many from the media and scientific community have threaten to take us up on this matter but few when faced with the reality of the situation few have had the intestinal fortitude to do so. One gentlemen in particular who took us up on our before mentioned proposal has become passionate about the work we are doing. Unknown to us this gentleman is a very wealthy individual and has insisted on helping us take our work to the next level. So he is offering a 2 million dollar reward to anyone that discovers a body that has expired due to natural causes.

This reward is offered specifically under the 2 parameters listed below.

1st the body or significant piece of the body must have expired due to Natural causes. A detailed accounting of the discovery will be documented and investigate by a wildlife officer and forensic expert provided by the sylvanic team.

2nd The discovery must remain entirely confidential. No media or public discloser in any way. Our species protection and legislation is at a point where as soon as we can a provide a body full species protection will be implemented and enforced. It is our intention to have wildlife officers across North America identify and protect known bigfoot habitats before the media and public is aware of the situation.

Once these two obligations have been confirmed the 2 million dollar reward will be issued. The party responsible for the discovery will receive full credit for their discovery the moment this information goes public.

There are currently 2 separate research sites under study by the sylvanic team in Canada and the United States. Both teams are working towards the discovery of a body and if either is succsseful the 2 million dollars will be donated towards a fund that will be dedicated to the continued scientific ethical study of this amazing species

If you feel you are close to a discovery and there is anything we can do to help please don’t hesitate to contact us. Email

Real full facial photos of Bigfoot. Sylvanic Bigfoot October 2010 Expedition.


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