Sasquatch Between Trees? Where?

Sometimes, we're not sure what's we're really looking at. Two people telling us there is a Bigfoot between some trees, but we're not seeing it. Do you?

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Uploaded by SasquatchResearchUSA on Mar 24, 2011

Hello everyone,

This video is one that isn't making it to my Documentary in progress, but it still is quite interesting. I have no doubt of what it is mind you, because that's the reason we are stopped there at that spot...I had just witnessed a large creature cross in between the trees that the head eventually bobs out of. I guess he/she is seeing if I went down to inverstigate further. The video unfortunately was shot by my wife's digital camera's video setting, so the video at 640x480 was grainy to say the least. If someone can clarify it for me and get a better look at what it is peeking around the tree, please let me know. Thanks.

P.S. Watch for more video that I'll be releasing as my research furthers this year. Most of the HD video is now laid out on the Documentary I am creating. The video is being released the beginning of 2012, it contains, as of now several HD close up videos of Sasquatch entering my camp on two different occasions. The title is "Sasquatch Research of America: Solving the Mystery".


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