Hoaxing accusations against TimberGiantBigfoot just got weirder

A user on YouTube who posted a comment regarding TimberGiantBigfoot might not be telling the truth after all. The user went by the name of "pileofsascrap" claimed to have known TimberGiantBigfoot through a kids hockey meet. The user wasn't shy to point out that TimberGiantBigfoot's son knew about his dad's hoax videos and mentions this to the other kids on his team.

After letting out that bombshell, the user just vanished. Looks like the account was deleted soon after making those comments on Tim Fasano's YouTube page.

Luckily for us, serious people have been watching this event unfold very closely. utubewatchdog tells us about the character assassination attempts by this person who goes by different names on YouTube. This person makes outrageous comments about Bigfoot Researchers accussing them of hoaxing, then deletes the account.

Watch utubewatchdog explain this person's behavior:

I know who is behind the attack on TimberGiant. It is one of the bigger names names in Bigfoot Research out there, this individual has said all this to me in person this past year. He made attempts on me to do the same thing Fasano is doing right now to Jim. Each time he uses a fake channel to do all this then deletes them. I was warned of him back when I got into this about a year ago. The individual has just recently ( about a month or so ago) been caught hoaxing himself. He went silent for awhile and deleted most of his videos and came back out differently. Strangely enough,he's been silent this past week when this new attack started. I only have one thing to say...May 14th is right around the corner. If the guilty party does not retract EVERYTHING said about TimberGiantBigfoot I WILL SPREAD EVERYTHING I KNOW AROUND AT THE BIGFOOT CONVENTION AT SALT FORK LODGE! That's a promise and I KEEP MY WORD!

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