Fireside Chat: Camper witnessed three bigfoot creatures making very soft sounds to each other with their lips

A random conversation...

Date: Unknown
Location: Trinity's near Eureka CA
Witnesses: Two campers
Context: Two people witnessed three bigfoot creatures making very soft sounds to each other with their lips. Like blowing air across the lips like a horse would.

Ok, I saw one years ago. Was camping in the Trinity's near Eureka CA. They came into our site to check us out. Some of the people with us were still up and didn't know what was going on. I went tto lay down, I was tired and cold and the place was really creepy. As I settled down, I started to hear noises outside of the camp, it was New Years and we were the only ones there. What I heard was something like rocks being pounded on trees. At that moment I knew, Oh Shit! I layed there and listened, my girlfriend came in and I told her what I heard and we both listened carefully. After awhile we heard a large branch being broken. I mean like a baseball bat! Then we heard them walk up to the site frome the trial behind our site. Large muffeled steps that were farther apart than regular steps. I was ready to jump out of my skin, there was nothing I could do but pray they didn't hurt us. I was shaking uncontrolably and closed my eys to try to calm down.

Our tent was on the other side of the VW bus we rode up in and the light source from where the four others were talking and laughing. With my eyes shut I could see it get darker and lighter from time to time as something passed between the light source and our tent. It took me a long time to muster the courage to open my eyes and look. Finally, I did and could see the VW silloetted against the tent. Then, ... I saw it! This enormous form walked up the the bus very carfully and quietly. It was sort of crouching and it was HUGE. I kid you not this thing was buff and covered with hair with the crest on it's head. It crept up to the bus to peer at the others and was SHOULDER HIGH TO THE VW BUS!!! I closed my eyes and think I passed out for awhile, I was so damn scared! they milled around for a long time and we could hear them, sounded like about 3 making very soft sounds to each other with their lips. Like blowing air across the lips like a horse would.

No one knew what happened but us the nest day. I asked why my girlfriend why she stayed so calm while I was completely terrified. She used to live in Canada near the Washington border and said they used to come at night sometimes and look in the window. She said they never bothered anything and didn't really think they were a threat, just curious.

There is more but that's basically the story. I have never been so frightened in all of my life.

I live in SO Oregon now and it's not that big a deal. Many people here know they're out there and have lots of stories.


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