Fathom Frontiers Possible Sasquatch Whoops in Northeast Ohio Bigfoot Grassman

Clip Description:
Uploaded by FathomFrontiers on Mar 26, 2011

We hiked into a location we had not previously researched before and spent over an hour in this area looking for evidence of a Sasquatch. As we made our way out of that area, heading back to the car, we heard a series of "whoops" coming directly from the location we had just left. We quickly returned to that area and sat just inside the wood line very still and quiet for about twenty minutes or so. In that time we heard no sounds, none, the woods were completely silent. The sounds we heard did not sound like anything we had ever heard before, at least not in person. You will need to turn your audio up most of the way to hear the sounds in the background. The first series of "whoops" starts at 1:04 then it continues at 1:16 with the final one at 1:21.

Source: FathomFrontiers


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