Bigfoot Family to Be Captured on Video This Weekend (July 9 - 12)

"Mike agreed to allow one camera on his property this upcoming weekend to film what could be the first Bigfoot family ever spotted in city limits." reports:

Overnight AM Radio Hosted by Lan Lamphere Investigates a Bigfoot Sighting

This evening's broadcast of Overnight AM Radio hosted by Lan Lamphere on Talkstreamlive had the show's chat room humming with excitement from Bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts.

 A crowd of 40+ people submitted questions and theories as Lamphere intereviewed "Mike" a homeowner who claims a family of Bigfoots has taken residence on the edge of his property.

As Mike talked by phone, we could easily hear traffic in the background and he acknowledged that his property is near "a busy street." The Bigfoot family is apparently hunkered-down in his backyard, in a thicket of bushes and they've been there for nearly three weeks.

Lamphere revealed to Mike that his studio, upon learning of this sighting, had already sent a private investigator to Mike's home within the last few days, to ensure Mike is legit and not crazy. The private investigator found that Mike's personal background "checked-out" and that he's not known to be crazy. The investigator even approached the thicket of bushes and was threatend by a growl. He stepped back and took pictures of what might be three Bigfoots.

Listeners asked to see the photos but none were revealed during the show. Lamphere said more information might eventually be revealed on At the end of the interview Mike agreed to allow one camera on his property this upcoming weekend to film what could be the first Bigfoot family ever spotted in city limits.

Where is This Bigfoot Location?

The location was not revealed, although Lamphere indicated it was in a northern state and some listeners in the chat room claimed Mike had either Minnesota or Wisconsin accent. Both of those states have had recent sightings and I personally have been on expeditions in each of those states. So it's quite possible this BF family is from the Midwest, or could be passing through and have become trapped or threatened by the surrounding traffic.

Tune In to Overnight AM on Monday July 12th for the Next Interview


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